


来源:成都工业职业技术学院 | 作者:001 | 发布时间: 2023-03-11 | 4782 次浏览 | 分享到:






Chengdu Vocational& Technical College of Industry













成都工业职业技术学院         简介


       Chengdu Vocational and Technical College of Industry (CDIVTC) is a vocational engineering college established and recognized by The People’s Government of Chengdu City. It was founded in 1951 and had been approved as a full-time higher vocational college by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government in 2014. In 2021, it was listed on the“Shuang Gao Plan”in Sichuan Province which highlighted the priority and significance of the development of those selected higher vocational education organizations. Currently, CDIVTC hasfivecampuses, namely Tianfu Campus, Jintang Campus, Finance and Trade Campus, Xindu Campus, and Public Transportation Campus, covering roughly666,667square meters, with teaching and research devices that cost more than 100 million yuan, as well as over700,000books in libraries while there are over16,000students enrolled in CDIVTC. To name a few, the five primary majors, intelligence manufacturing, transportation, information technology, construction engineering, and finance and trade, are just some of our flourishing programs. In total, our school provides33majors, such as industrial robotics, the operation management of urban rail transit, information security and management, and renewable energy-based automobile manufacturing.


       Professional Faculty Team


       Currently, our faculty is composed of471teachers. Of the teachers,39.5%of whom possess senior titles with a professional standing; the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree or Doctor of Philosophy is58.6%. Furthermore, our faculty possesses one national great master of techniques, one national expert of techniques, seven provincial special-grade teachers, one provincial high-level leading talent, one first prize winner in the national competition of teaching ideological and political theory courses, one advanced individual for poverty alleviation in Sichuan Province, and one shortlisted for the annual student mentor in Sichuan universities and colleges exist.


       The Characteristic Integration between Industry and Education


       CDIVTC emphasizes the feature of the integration between industry and education plus the cooperation between education and businesses in schooling while eagerly proceeding with the construction and development of dynamic-evaluation-based majors and the administrative innovation of associate colleges.


       Establish Associate Colleges in Industrial Parks.Promote associate colleges established in industrial parks further.Five industrial associate colleges have been constructed in (1) the Industrial Cooperation Park of small and mid-size enterprises from China and Germany in Pujiang county, (2) the multifunctional areas of Longquan Automobile Industry, (3) the functional areas of Qingbaijiang International Railway Port, (4) Headquarters Base of Qingyang Industrial Park, and (5) Yingjing county in Ya’an.Cooperation between associate colleges and industrial parks can lead to success through the construction and practice of the CVTCI model in the integration between industry and education, which has been rewarded as the first prize in The Educational Achievements Competition in Sichuan Province.


       Invite Businesses on Campuses.Implement the cooperation between associate colleges and businesses fully.CDIVTCwith the Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions constitutes the Public Practice Training Base for Craftsmen in Chengdu.One academician of The Chinese Academy of Engineeringenables theCDIVTCto establish the Additive Manufacturing Associate College and the Application Additive Manufacturing of Research Institute. Shanghai Fanake Jiqiren Co., Ltd. sets up the FANUC Robot Associate College. Intel Corporation creates the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.


       Explore Associate Colleges Characterized by The Mixture System of Ownership.Chip Industry And Cloud Computing Industry Associate College is founded by New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. andCDIVTCcreatively through governmental construction, corporate investment, and scholastic operation. The three-forces mechanism of practising education works carefully and diligently to improve linkages betweenCDIVTCand enterprises.


       Shape The Groups of Professions in Vocational Teaching.CDIVTChas developed five groups of professions in vocational teaching, namely (1) finance and trade in Sichuan Province, (2) modern logistics, (3) construction, (4) automobile, and (5) rail transit in Chengdu, prompting 62 schools plus 112 businesses and industry and trade associations in Sichuan province to train, share, and improve professions together.


       Promote The Integration of Secondary and Higher Vocational Education.Currently,CDIVTChas organized a union of 57 secondary and higher vocational educational institutions, exploring the development and connection of the six-years-duration from secondary vocational education to higher vocational education.


       The Increasingly Impressive Teaching Achievements


       The action plan for higher quality and more talents in vocational education has been conducted.CDIVTChas won the first prizetwiceand the second prizeone timein The Educational Achievements Competition in Sichuan Province, as well as the first prize in the First National Competition of Excellent Teaching Materialsat one point.TwoNational Professional Teaching Resources Databases have been attributed partly to theCDIVTC.Twocourses ofCDIVTChave been approved as Provincial Excellent Overt Online Courses.Threecourses are the provincial masterpieces of ideological and political education. The number of experimental majors based on the modern apprenticeship system at the national and provincial levels istwoandfourrespectively.Onemajor is rewarded as the national masterpiece. Academic staff won the first prize in the national competition, and they were named the“One Excellent Class”of ideological and political educationat one point, as well as the first prize in the provincial competition of pedagogic capabilitysix times.


       The Cumulative Achievements in Student Training


       CDIVTCemphasizes the essential task of training students based on virtue, and completely advancing the pilot reform of the full-scale education by all staff in the whole course through all domains. Throughout the past seven years, students have been quite successful in various skills competitions at the national and provincial levels. In total, 40 national prizes and 218 provincial prizes have been achieved. The rate of employment is over 98% for students with a college diploma and more than 80% of whom are employed or run their own business in Chengdu; moreover, 15.4% of them work in the Fortune Global 500 in Chengdu.


       The Constant Enhancement in The Ability to Research


       CDIVTChas assembled nine high-level research teams, which focus on national and provincial research team building. Throughout the last seven years, 432 topics have been authorized, including 200 topis approved by Bureau- and Department-level units. More than 800 articles have been published, 143 of which have been published by highly influential and authoritative publishers in the Science Citation Index, Engineering Index, and PKU.CDIVTChas held 187 authorized patents and received an estimated 60,000,000 yuan for providing services and techniques. The second prize of National Science and Technology Progress in Sichuan province, the third prize of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Sichuan province, the second prize of Technology Progress in Chengdu city, and the third prize of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Chengdu city, have been achieved at one point.


       The Outstanding Effects in Serving Society


       Keeping an eye on the demands of development in local economies and society,CDIVTCtakes part inThe Strategy of Targeted Poverty Alleviation.The rewarded Advanced Group of Poverty Alleviation in Sichuan Province was obtained in 2020 and the meritorious service ofCDIVTCwas recorded by the People’s Government of Chengdu Municipality once.Supporting the rural revitalization strategy,CDIVTCworks as a trusteeship for the two secondary vocational schools in the counties, namely Pujiang Vocational Technical Secondary School and Jintang Occupation Senior High School.Meeting the demands of society and people’s wellbeing,CDIVTChelps industrial workers, laid-off workers, ex-servicemen, rural surplus labourers and other key groups to improve their employability by training and appraising more than 100,000 people per day over occupational skills, as well as testing and certificating more than 120,000 people in diverse exams.


       Cultural Inheritance and Influential Innovation


       CDIVTCis guided by Core Socialist Values and has an emphasis on (1) shaping ourselves by the history of revolution, (2) behaving elegantly based on Tianfu culture, (3) establishing businesses with consummate skills under industrial culture, (4) growing as a sage with the culture and history ofCDIVTC. The research dominating practice, learning and inheriting, mutual experience, and social practice are the four cultural manners that are structured in shaping the people. The spirit of labour, model workers, and craftsmen is highly encouraged.CDIVTCwas approved as one of the first civilized campuses in Sichuan province,one Industrial Culture Popularization Base in Sichuan Province, andone Patriotic Education base in Chengdu City.The waysCDIVTCcreated the inheritance base of craftsman spirit to encourage and enrich craftsman culture have been selected as the representative case of service and contribution among higher vocational schools in the Annual Report on Technical And Vocational Higher Education in China in 2021.


       Deepening International Cooperation


       Having cooperated with Deutsche Auslandshandelskammern (AHK), The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), and Wissen Ist Für Immer (WIFI) Österreich,CDIVTCperseveres in the internationalization of education, brings in international and high-quality educational resources, and are also authorized to provide training sessions and certificates for 10 international advanced jobs (e.g., automotive and smart manufacturing). In response to the Belt and Road Initiative,CDIVTChas set up overseas associate colleges of transportation, automotive and smart manufacturing, finance and trade, and among others in Laos, Thailand etc., delivering both standards of advanced majors and bilingual courses, as well as resulting in the widespread prosperity of Chinse culture.


       Strengthen Party Building Entirely


       CDIVTCcompletely abides by the System of Principal Responsibility led by the Party committee, conducting the leadership of the Party in schooling and management. Throughout the seven years, the number of the advanced primary-level Party organizations approved by the Provincial Work Committee of Education, Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Work Committee of Education is one, two, and four respectively; moreover,CDIVTCwas one of the first demonstration units for“Beautiful Chengdu•Exemplary Actions of Party Members”in Chengdu, having 12 outstanding Party members, Party workers, and role models, while creating one provincial paradigmatic Party branch for Party building work.


       Untiring Struggle in The Past Seven Years and For The Future


       CDIVTChas been a national advanced institution of vocational education, a significant national base for training teachers in vocational education, a pilot unit of modern apprenticeship and 1+X certificates system approved by the Ministry Of Education, a provincial training base for highly-skilled talents, a provincial pilot unit of comprehensive educational reform, and one provincial and creative base for postdoctoral practice, one of the first provincial pilot units for training on-site professionals in construction, as well as a provincial pilot shool of comprehensive reform over the full-scale education by all staff in the whole course through all domains.


       In the new era, Party has started uniting Chinese people to strive for the two centenary goals.CDIVTCwill be led firmly by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the Party’s Educational Policy across the board, regard the contribution to the development of the city as its responsibility, ensure the accomplishment of the most basic task that students are trained based on virtue, to continuously deepen the reform of the talent development system, strive to be the China’s pacesetter in higher vocational education, and seek to train and shape new students based on the attachment to family and country, healthy personality, high-level skills, international perspectives, and the city imprint in the new era.

























1.优势产业:资源产业、农产品加工业、装备制造业及高新技术产业。 2.先进制造业集群:成都:软件和信息服务集群、高端能源装备集群;德阳:高端能源装备。3.重点招商引资产业:机械产业、信息产业及医药产业。


























       成都武侯祠博物馆始建于西晋末年,是一座为了纪念诸葛亮从而建立的博物馆,其总 占地面积为230亩,发展至今,现已成为诸葛亮,刘备以及蜀汉英雄的纪念地,历来不仅素有三国圣地的美誉,同时也被评为国家5A级旅游景区。


       成都杜甫草堂博物馆位于四川省成都市青羊区青华路37号,成立于1955年,是中国唐代大诗人杜甫流寓成都时的故居,是中国规模较大、保存较为完好、知名度较高且较具特色的杜甫行踪遗迹地,也是 全国重点文物保护单位、国家一级博物馆、全国古籍重点保护单位。 杜甫草堂占地面积近300亩,完整保留着明弘治十三年和清嘉庆十六 年修葺扩建时的建筑格局,建筑古朴典雅、园林清幽秀丽,是中国文 学史上的一块圣地。


       阆中古城是国家级旅游景区、中国四大古城之一,已有2300多年的建 城历史,为古代巴国蜀国军事重镇。阆中古城总面积达4.59平方公 里,其中核心区域占2平方公里,城内山锁四周,水绕三面,契合中国 传统的风水格局,至善至美,自然天成,是当今保存完好的一座“风水 古城”。阆中古城现有张飞庙、永安寺、五龙庙、滕王阁等8处全国重 点文物保护单位,以及邵家湾墓群、华光楼、阆中文庙等22处省级文 物保护单位。









1.石室精舍 1.飞夺泸定桥遗址 1.成都双流国际机场(成都自贸空港商务区)


2.江油李白纪念馆 2.仪陇县朱德故居 2.中国绸都丝绸博物馆 2.中国德孝城
3.青羊宫 3.巴中·中国工农红军石刻标语园 3.成华区东郊文化创意集聚区 3.清白文化馆
4.宽窄巷子  4.石棉县安顺场 4.中国雪茄博物馆 4.川北家风馆
5.攀枝花中国三线建设博物馆  5.乐至县陈毅故居 5.水井坊博物馆 5.黄龙溪三县衙门
 6.彭山江口沉银遗址  6.旺苍·中国红军城 6.成都国际铁路港 6.平昌家风家训馆
 7.成都双流黄龙溪古镇  7.黄继光纪念馆 7.郫都区菁蓉镇 7.南溪巴蜀家风传承示范基地
 8.国立戏剧专科学校江安旧址  8.自贡自流井卢德铭烈士故居 8.资阳·中国牙谷 8.岳池县杨氏宗祠
 9.华西坝-玉林街道  9.张爱萍故居(达州市神剑园) 9.天府芙蓉园-“水韵天府”文化旅游街区 9.成都(新津县)忠孝文化教育基地
10.邛崃十方堂邛窑遗址(成都临邛文博创意产业示范区)  10.宜宾县赵一曼故居 10.二郎山喇叭河生态文化区 10.彭州“蔬乡清韵”优秀传统文化教育基地