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Liaoning University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine













辽宁中医药大学 简介



        办学规模及机构设置。学校总占地面积1000余亩,主校区位于辽宁省会城市沈阳,分校区分别位于滨城大连和药都本溪,形成“一校三区”办学格局,确立了“南药北医中基础”发展布局,协调推进学校事业高质量发展。学校设置医、理、工、管、文、法、农等7个学科门类,27个本科专业,现有各类学生21000余人。内设 18个学院、4 所直属附属医院、1个教学部、3个教学实验中心、1个实验动物中心、1所科学院、3所研究院、3所图书馆,是辽宁省唯一一所培养中医、中药、针灸推拿、中西医临床医学、高级护理和医学相关人才的高等院校。

        学科与学位建设。中医药主干学科全部位列省一流学科,拥有 1 个国家重点学科、26 个国家中医药管理局中医药重点学科、4个辽宁省高等学校一流学科、21 个辽宁省中医药重点学科;有3个博士后科研流动站、1个博士后科研工作站和 2 个辽宁省博士后创新实践基地;有 3 个一级博士学位授权学科、16个二级学科博士学位授权点、4个一级硕士学位授权学科、23个二级学科硕士学位授权点、1个博士专业学位授权点、3个硕士专业学位授权点。

        教育教学。拥有 1 个国家级教学团队、4 个国家级特色专业建设点、4个国家级一流本科专业建设点、1 个国家级专业综合改革试点项目、1 个国家级人才培养模式创新实验区、2 个教育部国家中医药管理局卓越医生(中医)教育培养计划改革试点项目、1个国家级大学生校外实践教育基地、3门国家级精品课程、3门国家级精品资源共享课程、3门国家级一流课程、5项国家级教学成果奖、6个省级实验教学示范中心、2个省级虚拟仿真实验教学中心、7个省级教学团队、22门省级精品课程、6门省级精品资源共享课程、1门省普通高等学校本科精品视频公开课、94门省级一流课程、9个省级大学生实践教育基地、1个省级大学生创新创业实践教育基地、4个省级高等学校综合改革试点专业、7个辽宁省普通高等学校一流本科教育示范专业、8个省级一流本科专业建设点。56 项省级本科教学成果,主编131部国家级、行业规划和特色创新教材,获批1部国家级优秀教材,8部省级精品教材、12部省级优秀教材,是国家中医药管理局中医药高层次人才培养综合基地、国家医师资格考试实践技能考试与考官培训基地(中医类别)、全国中医师资格认证中心考试工作基地、全国“标准化病人”(SP)实践教学示范基地。

        人才工作。在国家人才层面,拥有3名国医大师、4名全国名中医、3名岐黄学者、3名青年岐黄学者、2名国务院学科评议组成员、3名国家百千万人才工程人选、1名“973 项目”首席科学家、1名全国中医药杰出贡献奖获得者、1名“岐黄中医药传承发展奖”获得者、1名“岐黄中医药传承发展奖”传承人奖获得者、1名教育部高等学校教学指导委员会副主任委员、2名教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员、1名全国专业学位研究生教育指导委员会高校委员、113人次入选全国老中医药专家学术经验继承指导教师、6名国家卫生计生委有突出贡献中青年专家、64名享受政府特殊津贴专家、2名全国优秀教师、2名国家中医药高等学校教学名师、1名全国普通高校百名“两课”优秀教师、80名全国中医(基础、临床)优秀人才、1名教育部高校“双带头人”。在省级人才层面,拥有1名辽宁省院士后备人选,2名辽宁省高等学校攀登学者、2名辽宁省领军人才、11名辽宁省优秀专家、26名辽宁省教学名师、12名辽宁中医大师、98名辽宁省名中医、31名辽宁省青年名中医、30名辽宁省第一批优秀中医临床人才、12人次入选辽宁省高校“高端人才队伍建设工程”特聘教授、3名辽宁省学术头雁、1名辽宁省最美医务工作者、1名辽宁省教育系统“最美教师”、5名辽宁省优秀教师、17人及2个团队入选辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”、2个团队入选辽宁省高校“黄大年式教师团队”、46人入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”百人层次、87人次入选“百千万人才工程”千人层次。

        科学研究。拥有 1 个国家地方联合工程实验室、1个教育部重点实验室、1个国家中医临床研究基地、3个国家药物临床试验机构、3个国家中医药管理局重点研究室、11个国家中医药管理局科研三级实验室、1个全国科普教育基地、1个省科协科技成果转化服务基地、1 个省级人文社会科学重点研究基地、1个省级协同创新中心、31个省级重点实验室(工程中心、工程实验室)、1个省高等学校重大科技平台、4个省临床医学研究中心。主办3种中医药学术期刊,《中华中医药学刊》是中国中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊,位列全国中医药科技期刊分级目录T1级;《辽宁中医杂志》《辽宁中医药大学学报》是中国科技核心期刊,位列中医药科技期刊分级目录T2级。





       Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (LNUTCM) was established in 1958 as Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Approved by the Liaoning Provincial Committee, Liaoning TCM Training School (established in 1955) and Liaoning TCM Hospital (established in 1956) combined into the present Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (LNUTCM). And it is the only institution of higher education in traditional Chinese medicine in Liaoning Province.  In 2006, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the University was renamed “Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, the present name. In 2013, LNUTCM added the new title of “Liaoning Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine” with the approval of Liaoning Provincial Government. LNUTCM led to establish “Liaoning TCM Health Industry School-Enterprise Alliance” in 2017 and “Liaoning Institute of Technological Innovation in Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry” in 2019, and in 2020 LNUTCM set up the “Liaoning Provincial Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine”.LNUTCM is one of the first universities to confer doctoral and master's degrees, one of the first universities qualified to receive foreign students, and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and one of the first universities entrusted with the cultivation of the “Silk Road” Chinese government scholarship program. Also, LNUTCM is among the list of the first national TCM service export bases, the first national TCM clinical research bases and ranks among National Basic Ability Construction Project of Western and Central China list and the first batch of national TCM literature search sub-center. And the University is also among the first “preventing disease ”prevention and health care services pilot units of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

 Party Building and Honors

Conscientiously implementing the Party’s education policy,firmly grasping the direction of socialist education, Focusing on the fundamental task of “fostering moral integrity and educating people ”, the Party Committee of LNUTCM cultivates socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects. Adhering to the spirit of “inheriting the essence, keeping the innovation” and the “student-centered ” concept , LNUTCM   closely combines the characteristics of TCM with Party building, with the leadership of the Party, LNUTCM has established the“nurturing the root and soul of the nation under the leadership of the Party, focusing on the central task and serving the overall interests”work pattern. LNUTCM has received many honors successively, such as the National Advanced Grassroots Organization of CCP in the Campaign of Contending for Excellence, the National Advanced Collective of the Educational System in Discipline Inspection, the National Civilized Unit, the National May First Labor Award, the National Advanced Collective in Health and Family Planning System, the Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Liaoning Province, the Advanced Collective of Liaoning Province, Model University of Party Building Work in the New Era of Liaoning Province, University with Leifeng Spirit of Liaoning Education System, the May First Labor Award of Liaoning Province, Pioneer Workers of Liaoning Province, the Advanced Party Committee of Liaoning Educational System, the Advanced Collective of Liaoning Educational System, the Civilized Unit, Civilized Campus and Safe Campus of Liaoning Province as well as other awards.

 University Scale and Organization

LNUTCM covers a total area of more than 1000 mu, with the main campus located in Shenyang, the capital city of Liaoning Province, and the branch campuses located in Dalian and Benxi respectively, forming the “one university , three campuses” pattern. The University has set up 7 disciplines, including medicine, science, engineering, management, literature, law and agriculture, with 27 undergraduate majors and more than 21,000 students. LNUTCM boasts 18 colleges, 4 directly affiliated hospitals, 1 teaching department, 3 teaching and experiment centers, 1 laboratory animal center, 1 academy of science, 3 libraries, and it is the only institution of higher education in Liaoning Province that cultivates talents in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional Chinese Pharmacology, Acupuncture and Tuina, Chinese and Western Medicine in Clinical Practice, Senior Nursing and other medical related fields.

 Discipline and Degree Construction

All the main TCM-related disciplines in the University rank among the first-class disciplines in Liaoning province, with 1 national key discipline, 26 key TCM disciplines of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 4 first-class disciplines of higher education institutions in Liaoning Province, 21 key TCM disciplines in Liaoning Province.

LNUTCM has 3 post-doctoral research stations, 1 post-doctoral research workstation and 2 post-doctoral innovation practice base of Liaoning Province. It has 3 first-level doctoral degree disciplines, 16 second-level doctoral degree programs, 4 first-level master degree discipline, 23 second-level master degree programs, 1 professional doctoral degree program and 3 professional master degree programs.

 Educating and Teaching

LNUTCM has 1 state-level teaching team, 4 state-level feature major programs, 4 national first-class undergraduate major construction programs, 1 national specialty comprehensive reform pilot project, 1 state-level experimental and innovative zone for talent cultivation, 2 pilot projects of Excellent Doctors (TCM) Training Program of the Ministry of Education and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 national extracurricular education base for university students , 3 national excellent courses, 3 national excellent sharing courses, 3 national top-level courses and 5 national awards for teaching achievements. Apart from all the above, the University has 6 provincial model centers for experimental teaching, 2 provincial virtual simulation centers for experimental teaching, 7 provincial teaching teams, 22 provincial excellent courses, 6 provincial excellent sharing courses,1 provincial excellent open course video of higher learning institutions of Liaoning province ,94 provincial first-class courses, 9 provincial practice education base for university students, 1 provincial innovation and practice base for university students, 4 provincial pilot specialty programs of comprehensive reforms in the institutions of higher education, 7 provincial programs of  programs for initial top-class bachelor education demonstration, and 8 first-class undergraduate major construction projects.LNUTCM has made 56 provincial teaching achievements. The University is also the chief-editor institution for 131 national, industry planing and innovative teaching textbooks, 8 provincial top-quality textbooks and 12 provincial excellent textbooks. 1 national excellent textbook is approved. LNUTCM is the comprehensive training base for high-level talents of traditional Chinese medicine of the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine, the base for Practical Techniques Test and Examiner Training of National Physician Qualification Exam (the category of TCM), and also the authorized National SP Teaching Demonstrating Base.

 Talents Recruiting and Training

LNUTCM has recruited and cultivated 3 National TCM Masters, 4 National famous doctors of TCM,3 members of“Qi Huang Scholar” ,2 members of the Discipline Assessment Group of the State Council, 3 candidates of the National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project, 1 chief scientist of “973”Program, 1 winner of “Qi Huang Inheritance and Development of Chinese Medicine” prize,1 winner of Qi Huang Inheritance and Development of Chinese Medicine” Inheritor prize , 1 vice chairman of the Teaching Guidance Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, 2 members of the Teaching Guidance Committee of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, 1 member of the National Professional Degree Graduate Education Guidance Committee. 61 have been elected as guidance teachers of national senior TCM experts’ academic experience inheritance , of which 28 elected at least twice.  6 young and middle-aged experts awarded by National Health and Family Planning Commission for their outstanding contributions, and 64 experts receiving special national government allowances. Among the faulty, there are 2 national outstanding teachers, 2 National Outstanding Teachers in higher education institutions of TCM, 1 National Outstanding Teachers of “Two Courses” (Marxism theory course and ideological and political education course), only 100 teachers in institutions of higher learning nationwide winning the title 80 National Outstanding Talents of TCM (theoretical and Clinical), and 1 ranking in the list who play the leading role in “Party building and academic research” of Ministry of Education.

LNUTCM has cultivated 1 alternate of academician of Liaoning Province, 2 members of “Pandeng scholars” of Liaoning Province, 2 leading talents of Liaoning Province, 11 outstanding experts of Liaoning Province, 26 outstanding teachers of Liaoning Province, 12 TCM masters of Liaoning Province, 98 famous TCM doctors of Liaoning Province, and 31 young famous TCM doctors of Liaoning Province and 30 are among the first outstanding TCM clinical talents of Liaoning Province. Up to now, 10 teachers have been selected as distinguished professors of “Advanced talent team construction program” in Liaoning for at least once. 3 teachers have been elected as academic leaders of Liaoning Province, 1 as most beautiful medical worker in Liaoning Province, 1 as “most beautiful teacher” in the education system of Liaoning Province, and 5 as Excellent Teachers in Liaoning Province. 17 teachers and 2 teams have been selected into the Liaoning Revitalization Talent Program, 2 teams have been selected into the Huang Danian-style teaching team in colleges and universities of Liaoning, 46 people have been selected into the hundred level group of the Provincial Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project and 87 into the thousand level group.

 Scientific Research

LNUTCM has 1 national and provincial joint engineering lab, 1 key laboratory sponsored by the Ministry of Education, 1 national-level TCM clinical research base, 3 national-level clinical pharmacology bases, 3 key research centers of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 11 Grade III research laboratories of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 national science education base , 1 base of transformation of scientific and technological achievements of provincial association for science and technology,1 provincial key research base of humanity and social science, 1 provincial collaborative innovation center, 31 provincial key labs (engineering centers and engineering labs ), 1 major science and technology platform for provincial institutions of higher learning, 4 provincial research centers for clinical medicine . 

LNUTCM also hosts three academic journals of TCM. Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the list of Chinese core journal and Chinese core science and technology journal, ranking T1 in the classification catalogue of Chinese traditional Chinese science and technology periodicals. Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the list of core journal of science and technology in China, ranking T2 in the classification catalogue of traditional Chinese medicine science and technology journals.

 International Cooperation and Education

LNUTCM is eligible to take international students with scholarship awarded by the Chinese government, Confucius Institute Scholarship as well as PHD scholarship awarded by Liaoning province It is the international cooperation base of TCM for Liaoning, China-Thailand and China-Central Eastern European countries, and the China - Thailand center of TCM. LNUTCM has established the Confucius Classroom of TCM in Slovakia Medical University. It has jointly operated education program in Nursing at the undergraduate level with Ara Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand. Focusing on Asia, facing Europe and the United States, expanding to Africa and taking a global view, the University has carried out extensive international exchanges and cooperation, and has established cooperative relations with universities, medical institutions or academic organizations in 35 countries and regions.

 Medical Service

LNUTCM boats four affiliated hospitals, which are respectively titled Liaoning Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Liaoning Proctology Hospital and Liaoning Integrated TCM and Western Medicine Hospital. LNUCTM has 11 national key clinical specialties of the Ministry of Health, 7 national TCM (specialized TCM) diagnosis and treatment regional centers, 26 key specialties of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 54 provincial key specialties. The University has the National TCM Clinical Research Base, the construction unit of National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Project , the National Scientific Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the National Training Base for Talents Inheriting TCM Characteristic Technology , the National Dual TCM Base for Epidemic Prevention and Emergency Medical Rescue , the National Standardized Training Base for TCM hospitalists , the National Training Base for TCM Clinical Pharmacists , and the National Clinical Pharmacology Base.LNUTCM also has 6 indirectly affiliated hospitals and 88 bases for clinical teaching.and practice.

 Campus Environment and Infrastructure

Focusing on the concept of “healthy, beautiful and modern campus”and highlighting the characteristics of TCM culture, LNUTCM continuously promotes the construction of humanistic campus, energy-saving campus, safe campus and smart campus with , and provides service guarantee for high quality running of university. Based on the safe and efficient cloud-computing data center, the University has established a relatively complete network security protection system and all the campuses are equipped with efficient network infrastructure , which will constantly improve data information service capacity. The University has been one of the first digital campus pilot construction units in Liaoning Province.Libraries of three campuses,featured with traditional Chinese medicine, establish a rich literature and information resource system.Based on traditional Chinese culture, TCM culture and campus culture build a consistent cultural space. The people-oriented and innovative services concepts provide support and guarantee for university talent training, scientific research and cultural inheritance and innovation.

 Entering the new era, seizing the tide to seek development, LNUTCM has deeply implemented Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implemented the Party's education policy, closely focused on the fundamental task of “fostering moral integrity and educating people”, with the guidance of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. With the motto of “Strive for virtue and knowledge,inherent the essence and keep innovation”and the law of development of higher education in traditional Chinese medicine , LNUTCM has been promoting intensive development comprehensively, and cultivating talents for the Party and the nation, and has also made important contributions to the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning province and the cause of inheriting and developing traditional Chinese medicine. LNUTCM has been steadily stepping with great strides towards a high-level TCM university and will greet the bright future of traditional Chinese medicine with new and greater achievements!
























1、促进机器人、航空航天、生物医药、节能环保、新型海工装备等战略性新兴产业加快发展; 2、发展满足市场需求的电子信息、纺织服装、食品加工等轻工业; 3、实施“互联网+”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合; 4、电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展; 5、支持快递物流产业园区建设; 6、加快发展临港、临空产业。


       辽宁省地处我国东北地区的南部,南濒浩瀚的黄、渤二海,辽东半岛斜插于两海之间,隔渤海海峡,与山东半岛遥相呼应;西南与河北省接壤;西北与内蒙古自治区毗连;东北与吉林省为邻;东南以鸭绿江为界与朝鲜国隔江相望。 辽宁省地势大致为自北向南,自东西两侧向中部倾斜,山地丘陵分列东西,向中部平原下降,呈马蹄形向渤海倾斜,由山地、丘陵、平原构成,全省地形概貌大致是“六山一水三分田”。辽东、辽西两侧为平均海拔800米和500米的山地丘陵,中部为平均海拔200米的辽河平原,辽西渤海沿岸为狭长的海滨平原,称“辽西走廊”。素有“辽宁屋脊”之称的佛顶山(老秃顶子)为辽宁省第一高峰,海拔1367.3米。辽宁省地跨辽河、浑河、大凌河、太子河、绕阳河、鸭绿江六大水系,属温带大陆性季风气候。日照丰富,雨热同季,四季分明。全省陆地总面积14.86万平方公里,其中山地占59.5%;平地占32.4%;水域占8.1%。

       辽宁历史源远流长,辽宁省行政建置最早起源于春秋战国时期。 据史书《禹贡》记载,辽宁建制于上古社会,夏商为幽州、营州之地,周分封属燕国。春秋时期,行政区划开始设郡、县,燕国置辽东、辽西两郡,秦置辽东、辽西、右北平三郡。公孙度置平州。伪满洲国期间,辽宁地区分为奉天、锦州、安东3省及关东州等。














       沈阳故宫是中国现存完整的两座宫殿建筑群之一,为后金入关前的皇宫,也是清朝迁都北京后的盛京行宫(也称奉天行宫)。沈阳故宫博物院不仅有精美的古代宫殿建筑,还以丰富的珍贵收藏而著称海内外,宫内收藏有大量旧皇宫遗留下来的宫廷文物,在宫中的各陈列馆可 以观赏到这些珍贵的宝物。同时,沈阳故宫也是沈阳市地标性历史建筑物,很多游客来沈阳旅游一般都会先来沈阳故宫,可以说是沈阳必 打卡的地方之一了。


       沈阳方圆大厦总建筑面积48000平方米,建筑高度99.75米,共24层,地上22层,地下2层,钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙结构,室外装修采用 天然花岗石、氟碳喷涂印度金色金属铝单板、采用低辐射钢化LOW-E中空玻璃,是一座集国际化金融、贸易、商务洽谈、办公为一体的 专业化5A国际甲级写字楼。大厦将中国传统文化以及现代化元素完美的融合到了一起,MAIGOO编辑认为沈阳方圆大厦是当之无愧的沈 阳地标性建筑。


       沈阳张氏帅府,又称“大帅府”或“少帅府”,位于辽宁省沈阳市沈河区朝阳街少帅府巷46号,是奉系军阀首领张作霖及其长子,著名爱国将领张学良的官邸和私宅。一座大帅府 半部民国史!张氏帅府始建于1914年,占地29146平方米,总建筑面积27570平方米。民国五年(1916年)张作霖正式入住,以后又不断扩建,逐步形成了由东院、中院、西院和院外建筑等四个部分组成的的建筑体系。各个建筑风格各异,有中国传统式、中西合璧式、罗马式、北欧式、日本式。主要有大青楼小青楼、西院红楼群及赵四小姐楼等建筑。张氏帅府是东北地区保存最为完好的名人故居,2004年列为国家AAAA级景区。2017年12月2日,入选第二批中国20世纪建筑遗产名单。





       星海广场是大连这座城市的地标,不仅拥有美丽的海景和迷人的夜景,这儿的灯塔、雕塑、海堤甚至周围林立的高楼都是拍照留影的绝佳 背景。整座广场呈椭圆形,贯穿广场南北的中央大道两侧绿草如茵,航标石柱灯一线排开直通大海。广场中心遍地的红色大理石上刻着天 干地支、24节气和12生肖,广场的南端还有巨型城雕,地面有一条长长的千人足迹浮雕。此外,还能看到竞赛中的运动员、滑旱冰的孩 子等各种姿态的人物雕塑,以及环绕着广场的大型音乐喷泉。地址:辽宁省大连市沙河口区中山路572号




       中山广场位于辽宁省大连市中山区,又称为中山音乐广场。是东北地区最大的圆形广场,大连建市规划上的绝美之作,奠定了沙俄和日占时期大连的城市布局——以广场为中心,向周围放射状铺设街道的欧式城市格局,已经成为大连文化的象征符号。地理位置广场呈圆形辐射状,有10条大路从这里向四面八方辐射。因为四周装有高级音响,每天定时播放世界名曲,所以这里又称中山音乐广场。 广场中间突出的圆盘是一座露天舞台,是市民的公共娱乐场所。每当夜幕降临,成百上千的老百姓汇聚在这里,随乐曲翩翩起舞,那场面欢乐而又祥和。


       星海湾大桥是辽宁省大连市境内连接沙河口区与西岗区的跨海通道,位于黄海水域上,是辽宁省东部城市主干道路的组成部分。星海湾大桥于2011年10月动工兴建,于2015年1月5日完成合龙,于2015年10月30日通车运营。 星海湾大桥西起甘井子区环涛路,上跨黄海,东至西岗区滨海西路;线路全长6千米,主桥长820米,主桥主跨460米,边跨180米,主塔高114.3米,引桥跨距45米。两层桥面均为双向四车道城市快速路,设计速度80千米/小时。





       二一九公园始建于日伪时期,当时名为“朝日山公园”,1950年时为纪念1948年2月19日鞍山解放而更名。公园内还有鞍山市动物园、东山 游乐园、鞍山博物馆三大知名建筑。二一九公园景区总面积112.5公顷,素以中国规模最大的一座拥有真山真水的综合性公园和其特殊 的"2.19"纪念意义而闻名,以特有的高低错落、起伏有致的地形,27公顷蕴含着生机和灵气的巨大水面和浓郁而悠远的地域传统文化,成 为玉佛山风景区优美的绿色前庭,成为备受人们喜爱的游览胜地。


       胜利广场座落在辽宁省鞍山市铁东区,位于市委、市政府办公大楼北侧,是胜利路 、二一九路、前进路的交叉点。它是以景观、集散为主的交通型广场。总面积19200平方米,其中铺装12300平方米,绿化6900平方米。雕塑主题为《盛世》,主雕高30米,为白钢三棱柱框架结构, 浮雕表现“鞍山在我心中、我为鞍山奉献 、鞍山为我自豪”的鞍山人精神,上部抽象团花造型象征鞍山市现代化建设取得的丰硕成果,也表达鞍山人对未来盛开繁荣之花的追求和向往。胜利广场的景色非常迷人,它是鞍山十大地性标建筑之一。



       生命之环”是一座环形建筑,是沈抚新区的核心地标建筑。寓意连接天圆地方,贯通天上人间,无论是高度还是形式都是世界独有的。它 主要由砼基础和三角形截面的非同心圆环形钢管桁架结构体系组成,外径170米,内径150米,结构顶标高153.98米,钢结构总重3500 吨。整座结构采用钢结构网架,并覆盖金属幕墙,安装有1.2万只LED灯。“生命之环”的设计指导,是全国著名的工程设计大师,曾负责过 上海东方明珠电视塔结构的设计。地址:辽宁省抚顺市望花区李石经济开发区


       抚顺市雷锋纪念馆位于辽宁省抚顺市望花区雷锋路东段61号,原雷锋生前所在部队驻地附近,占地面积99900平方米,始建于1964年,1965年8月开馆。1969年、1992年、2002年、2014年先后进行了四次改扩建。新馆于2015年3月2日正式开放。雷锋是时代的楷模,雷锋精神是永恒的。实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要更多时代楷模。我们既要学习雷锋的精神,也要学习雷锋的做法,把崇高理想信念和道德品质追求转化为具体行动,体现 在平凡的工作生活中,作出自己应有的贡献,把雷锋精神代代传承下去。



       跨于鸭绿江上的鸭绿江断桥是丹东的标志性景点之一,它紧挨着鸭绿江大桥(中朝友谊桥),是抗美援朝战争的历史见证。走上大桥,看 着桥体上遗留的累累弹痕和桥梁钢架,能感受到枪炮声与战机划破长空的声响仿佛就在耳边。站在桥上还可饱览中朝两岸风光,如果不想 花钱上桥,在江边同样可以遥望到断桥的身影。桥附近有游船码头,坐船游江欣赏断桥会有另一番感觉,还可以遥望朝鲜。夜晚,靠近丹 东这边的几座桥梁上会有霓虹灯闪烁,来江边走走、看看边境夜景感觉不错。地址:辽宁省丹东市鸭绿江上







       辽沈战役纪念馆,位于辽宁省锦州市凌河区北京路5段1号,占地18万平方米,建筑面积14201平方米,其中展馆主体建筑面积8600平方米,附属工程面积3201平方米,游客中心和临时展厅面积2400平方米,陈列面积6843.11平方米,是社会科学类战史专题博物馆。 1959年1月,辽沈战役纪念馆正式成立,馆内藏品来源主要是社会捐赠,截至2019年末,辽沈战役纪念馆馆内藏品数量达19915件/套,其中珍贵文物达300件/套。2005年12月,宣教部被共青团中央授予 “全国青年文明号”称号,同年被中央文明委授予“全国创建文明单位工作先进单位”称号,同年被国家旅游景区质量等级评定委员会评为国家AAAA级旅游景区。






       铁岭白塔,原名圆通寺塔,由于通体白色,因此铁岭人更习惯叫它白塔。千年以来,这座奇骏古塔在闹市中寂静矗立,见证着一座城市的 沧桑变化。白塔为八角十三级实心密檐式,塔身为青砖垒造,砖长2尺4寸、厚6寸,略成锥形。塔顶刹杆有铜盘和宝珠,在白塔宽大的基 座八面,还嵌有“风调雨顺、国泰民安”八个字。八面各有浮雕佛像一尊,并饰宝盖。第一级塔身南部是神佛像,塔檐下部有砖雕斗拱,塔 基和塔身有砖雕装饰,每层塔檐都悬挂铜镜和风铃。



       朝阳双塔即朝阳北塔与朝阳南塔,分别位于辽宁省朝阳市双塔区慕容街的南北两端,相距300米,是朝阳市的标志性建筑。朝阳北塔是东 北地区最古老的佛塔,现高42.6米,由夯土台基、砖台座、须弥座、塔身、塔檐、刹顶组成,塔身四面砖雕密宗四方佛、八胁侍菩萨、二 十四飞天、八大灵塔及塔名等图案,精美异常,引人入胜。朝阳南塔是辽代兴中府城遗迹建筑,建于辽大康二年,高约40米,是一座方 形空心十三层密檐式砖塔,建在一个宽大的方形砖座之上。




       辽阳白塔因塔檐间立壁和塔腰八面均涂有白垩,故称白塔,始建于辽朝时期。白塔为八角十三层实心垂幔式密檐舍利砖塔,由基座、塔 身、塔檐、塔项四部分组成,高70.4米,塔檐逐层内收,檐角悬风铃,檐间置铜镜;塔顶仰莲承覆体,最后以刹杆装饰火焰、相轮、宝珠 结束。从风格上看,辽阳白塔的建筑是辽代风格,筑塔的槽沟砖滴水的麦叶纹也是辽代特征。辽阳白塔是汉民族与佛教文化融合的作品, 整个建筑造型和局部雕刻,具有较高的历史艺术和科学价值,是辽阳市的标志性建筑之一。






      九门口长城,位于辽宁省葫芦岛市绥中县李家堡乡新台子村境内,始建于北齐,扩建于明初洪武十四年(1381年) ,是明长城的重要关隘。全长1704米,城桥长97.4米,横跨九江河,享有“水上长城”之美称。历史上著名的“一片石”大战就发生在这里,史称“京东首关”。联合国“世界文化遗产地” 国家AAAA级旅游景区。


